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/ kb / troubleshooting / electronic-paintball-markers

Trouble Shooting Electronic Markers

A cheatsheet of common issues and fixes for your Eclipse Electronic Paintball Marker. For a more complete list of troubleshooting information consult your Markers User Manual.

SymptomPossible CauseSolution
Marker does not fireYour Marker is not powered upPower up your Marker
ASA is not engagedEnsure the ASA is fully engaged
Battery charge is flat, very low or of low qualityReplace the battery
The DWELL parameter is set too lowIncrease the DWELL parameter
The trigger is set-up incorrectlyAdjust trigger so that it fully opens and closes the microswitch
Breech Sensor is enabled but no paint is in the breechFill Loader with paint and check Loader and feedtube for blockages
The Pilot Valve is not plugged into the PCBPlug Pilot Valve wire plug into it's port on the PCB
The PCB is damagedReplace PCB
The Pilot Valve is damagedReplace Pilot Valve
The Marker is inconsistentThe DWELL parameter is set too lowIncrease the DWELL parameter
Using poor quality paintballsUse better quality paintballs
A poor paintball to barrel bore matchUse a better paintball to barrel bore size match
The inline regulator requires servicingStrip and clean inline regulator
Replace o-rings and regulator sealPoor/inconsistent air supply to the POPS. Use a good quality preset air system
The Marker is inefficientPoor Spool performanceClean and grease rear spool seals. Check condition of spool spring
A poor paintball to barrel bore matchUse a better paintball to barrel bore size match
Rate of fire is low and can't be alteredIssues with the loader Try different loaderReplace loader batteries. Check force and sensitivity settings
The Marker has low velocity on the first shotThe FSDO parameters are set too low to overcome o-ring stictionAdjust FSD COMP and FSD DLY parameters
The bolt assembly is dirty or incorrectly lubricatedClean, re-lubricate and replace the o-rings on the bolt as necessary
Velocity drop-off during rapid fireThe batteries are poor quality or have insufficient chargeReplace the batteries. Use alkaline or lithium batteries. Always use high quality batteries
Air system/regulator doesn’t flow fast enough to keep upUse a good quality preset air system
The bolt assembly is dirty or incorrectly lubricatedClean, re-lubricate and replace the o-rings on the bolt as necessary
Poorly maintained inline regulatorStrip, lubricate and rebuild the inline regulator
Paintballs breaking in the barrel or the breechThe loader has too high a force feed settingAdjust the loader to a lower force feed setting
The ball detents are damaged or missingReplace the ball detents
Poor quality paintballsUse better quality paintballs
The breech sensor is switched offSwitch on the breech sensor
A poor paintball to barrel bore matchUse a better paintball to barrel bore size match
Unseated rubber bolt tipReseat the rubber bolt tip
Missing or damaged rubber bolt tipReplace the rubber bolt tip
On power up the marker will not fireThe trigger is permanently depressedAdjust the trigger until the selected trigger detection method is deactivated when the trigger is released
Constant high velocity / Unable to lower velocity to desired fpsOutput pressure of the preset regulator is too highUse a preset regulator with an output pressure below 650 psi. Consult the preset regulator manufacturer for possible faults / maintenance requirements
Although a fresh battery has been fitted, the Marker will not switch onThe batteries have drained on the shelfReplace with new batteries
The batteries are fitted incorrectlyRemove the batteries. Gently squeeze the large terminal on the battery connector to reduce its diameter. Reconnect the batteries
The breech sensor goes into default mode after firing and the display shows that there is a fault with the breech sensorThe light pipes are dirtyClean the light pipes
Pocket in the breech is blockedRemove eye covers and clean the pockets in the breech
The sensors are out of placeCheck alignment of sensors on the main board
Two or more balls are being fed into the breechWorn, damaged or missing ball detentsChange the rubber ball detents
The feed force is too high from the loaderAdjust loader settings/use a lower force loader
3 audible beeps when switching onThe secondary circuit board is not responding to the primary circuit boardCheck that the ribbon cable is connected at both ends.Make sure the orientation of the ribbon cable is correct. Check the ribbon cable for damage. Check the ribbon mounted connectors for paint or water ingress. Check the board mounted connectors for paint or water ingress
4 audible beeps when switched onThe primary circuit board does not recognise the secondary circuit boardDetermine which board is faulty and replace it
The batteries do not seem to last very longThe batteries are of a low qualityUse alkaline or lithium batteries. Do not use low quality or rechargeable batteries
Marker is Leaking from the solenoid and/or manifoldThe gaskets between the body and the solenoid or the solenoid and the frame are damaged, dirty or missingEnsure the gaskets are clean and seated correctly. Replace the gaskets if damaged or missing
Pilot valve and/or manifold are over-pressurisedCheck the output pressure of the inline regulator, adjust accordingly. Clean and inspect the inline regulator assembly paying particular attention to the piston o-ring, piston tip and regulator seal. Replace damaged components as necessary
Damaged or incorrect seals on the solenoid spoolReplace and/or lubricate solenoid spool seals
Damaged SMC pilot valveReplace SMC pilot valve
The Marker leaks down the barrelDirty or damaged can o-ringsClean and lubricate or replace o-rings on the front of the Can
Dirty or damaged o-rings on the spoolClean and lubricate or replace the o-rings on the main spool
Dirty or damaged bolt o-ringsClean and lubricate or replace o-ring on the back of the Bolt
Dirty or damaged rear bolt guide o-ringClean and lubricate or replace o-ring on the back of the bolt Guide
Low rate of fire / rate of fire not reaching the ROF capThe force setting of the loader is too lowAdjust the loader force feed setting
The breech sensor has detected a fault and has reduced the ROFCheck the position and condition of the breech sensors. Clean or replace the breech sensors as required
Low constant velocityThe inline regulator output pressure set too lowIncrease the output pressure of the inline regulator
High velocity first shotThe inline regulator pressure is creepingStrip and clean the inline regulator replacing the piston seal
The trigger is very "bouncy"Incorrect filter settingsCheck that your DEBOUNCE settings suit your trigger set-up
Trigger pull is too short and the return strength is too lowConsult your User Manual for trigger adjustment guidelines

kb, knowledge base, help, advice, guides, trouble shooting, fixes, common issues, for, electronic paintball markers