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UKPSF Statement

Revised Jun 18 2024

To purchase a Paintball marker in the UK you must be a member of the United Kingdom Paintball Sports Federation. Joining the UKPSF shows intent to play Paintball, which is a permitted activity in the VCRA (Violent Crimes Reduction Act). You must also be 18 years of age to purchase a Paintball marker.

Paintball Markers of any size can only be purchased by those over 18 for use in permitted activities such as skirmishing and re-enactment at a venue where suitable third-party liability insurance is in place. Paintball markers should be fired at no greater than 300 feet per second only with frangible Paintballs and the person in possession of the Paintball marker must have an up-to-date UKPSF membership with said membership remaining in place while the Paintball marker is in your possession.

ukpsf, united kingdom paintball sports federation, statement, policies, compliance