These are some of the best people in the game and great advocates for the sport of paintball. Be sure to check them out. Follow their progress – and if you see them at your local field or event, say hi. #EMORTALARMY. *
/ team / emortals

Craig James Woodhams

Craig James Woodhams
South West Wales, UK
In-depth equipment reviews and custom mods for the benefit of Mag-Fedders, Speedballers and Woodsballers alike.
Craig James Woodhams (aka Aartwood) presents a new way to view Paintball & Airsoft videos – follow Aartwood as he shares his playing experiences from unique 3rd person perspectives along with new equipment, gear reviews & advice. Aartwood is an avid EMF100 modder.
Connect With Aartwood


You point the way and I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you, my friend.
Alfa22 (a.k.a. Kyle F.J. Tootoosis) goes by many names, but has a very clear code of honour when it comes to playing. A man proudly carrying a rich and proud cultural heritage with him on his journeys, Alfa22 has a deep passion for creating lasting bonds with those he shares time with and this can seen in the content he creates for others to enjoy.
Connect With ALFA22

Beaver Paintball

Beaver Paintball
A genuine paintball power couple!
Meg and Jesse Labrie (AKA Beaver Paintball) are a Husband and Wife unit that is as rock solid as their vows to face off against. With Beaver's ability to rally troops and Meg's fearless approach to pushing objectives, these warriors always make an impact on the field. They own the Grave Keepers Magfed Team which is home to some of Ontario's best players! Beaver: On the Field or off Jesse Labrie - AKA Beaver Paintball - is a genuine and approachable player who always has his eyes on the Win. Meg: She always pushes the frontlines, and herself, to be a genuine and positive force for her team and for all females in the sport.
Connect With Beaver Paintball

Benjamin Frietze

Benjamin Frietze
A MagFed junkie with no hope of ever stopping.
BLiNdS1De7, aka Benjamin Frietze, loves to long ball fools from great distance and capture it all on camera. This talented one-ball specialist not only loves to play the game, either alone or with his team, but aims to help inspire others to get involved and share the fun.
Connect With Blinds1de7

Cesar Garcia

Cesar Garcia
Forging friendships on and off the battlefield.
Lionknight's (a.k.a. Cesar Garcia) focus is purely for the love of paintball. From supporting the Spanish-speaking community with their questions via his YouTube channel to promoting this great sport in all its forms and supporting new generations of players, this paintball family is the most important thing for him. Fun, friendships and growing his paintball family is life! ES: Todo lo que hago es por amor al paintball, me encanta apoyar a la comunidad de habla hispana con sus dudas en mi canal de YouTube, promover este gran deporte en todas sus modalidades, apoyar a las nuevas generaciones para practicarlo y lo más importante para mÃ, son las amistades que se hacen con todos los jugadores que después se convierten en familia, amo esta gran comunidad.
Connect With Lionknight

Tommy Webb

Tommy Webb
Manchester, UK
The smile's for real, but approach with caution.
One of the most genuine, likeable and enthusiastic players on the UK paintball scene; Tommy Webb admits his relentless energy and positivity isn't to everyone's taste. Maybe it's because he uses that same energy to destroy teams for fun when he's on the field... with a wry smile beneath his mask, of course.
Connect With Tommy Webb

Richard Avery

Richard Avery
A lone gunner who loves to inspire others.
Tonka (a.k.a. Richard Avery) is an intense, high energy magfed player and although he's been asked to run on several teams, he prefers to run alone. A fiercely loyal member of the paintball community, Tonka works hard via his social channels to inspire other players to get the absolute best from their own skill set, every time they step onto the battlefield.
Connect With Tonka

Yellow Guy

Yellow Guy
England, UK
A fun, action-packed and genuinely insightful addition to the EMortal family.
Although self-proclaimed as a simple paintballer with a simple channel, Yellow Guy is much more than that. His video content captures everything that paintball can offer those who simply want to go out and have fun with their buddies.
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