We support some of the finest players and teams the game has seen – we believe in the importance of helping good players and teams become great. We pride ourselves on our un-paralleled customer service and technical support and today more than ever the mission and the passion is the same. Read more about → Our Story. *
/ team / factory
Factory Teams

Baltimore Revo

Baltimore Revo
Baltimore, USA
Experienced, talented, well-loved and positive influences for the future the game.
Baltimore Revo bring a level of balance, patience and determination to the Pro ranks that most other teams are yet to recognise. And when they do, it'll be too late.
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These girls do wanna have fun... and winning is fun.
With their eclectic group of multi-national players, a strong, experienced and positive support basecamp to drive them and a determination rarely seen amongst any team, the Belladonna girls have everything they need succeed at the very highest level.
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Breakout Spa

Breakout Spa
A true European powerhouse team delivering knockout blows point after point.
Breakout Spa pack a heavyweight punch and have consistently been knocking teams out season after season in all competitions. Known to give contenders at the very top of their game a bad day in the office, Breakout will always be a threat.
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Paris Camp Carnage

Paris Camp Carnage
Paris, France
They play hard and fight for every win. For the love of the game and for their brotherhood.
With a blend of super-aggressive gameplay and passionate personalities Carnage are one of the most entertaining teams in Europe and on their day, very dangerous opponents for any team.
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Dallas Vibe

Dallas Vibe
They got that Viiiiibe!
Since the WNXL began, Dallas Vibe have been slowly, patiently and methodically improving. Their style, their game, their roster... the whole package. And now, with some unstoppable and consistent performances they're THE team to beat. Let's go Dallas!
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Edmonton Impact

Edmonton Impact
In a world of uncertainty, Edmonton Impact will always provide the benchmark for professionalism and consistency.
Arguably the most professional paintball team in the game, Edmonton Impact have the talent, the organisation and the vision to beat any team, in any country, on any day and they have one consistent collective goal. To succeed.
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Loyalty, brotherhood, heart and mutual respect for their enviable legacy make Infamous a unique and special team.
But Infamous are more than just a paintball team. They're a manifestation of the paintball fight and what it takes to push forwards, point after point, match after match, no matter what.
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Lucky 15's

Lucky 15's
Simply put, the Lucky 15s are THE benchmark for professional paintball in the UK.
Their attitude towards the game is nothing short of astounding. Their approach to training, athleticism, strategy, focus, determination and their on-field ability to beat teams from any position, in any situation, is a very tough act to follow. But one that any aspiring team MUST follow, in order to succeed.
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The Firm

The Firm
Manchester, UK
Manchester's finest have been upsetting the status quo for years.
Never ones to shy away from the fight, Manchester Firm are the team nobody wants in their group. Relentless aggression, attitude and an ability to get under the skin of any opponent means you're in for a rough ride. Buckle up!
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NJ High Rollers

NJ High Rollers
With stakes this high, the Rollers are on a mission to make sure the house wins!
The High Rollers don't gamble when it comes to their paintball goals and with a few more aces up their sleeve they'll be going all in to flush their opponents down the toilet.
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Paintball Fit

Paintball Fit
Consistency, on-field dominance and control like we've never seen before!
PBFit consistently deliver a paintball masterclass every time they step on the field. From the back line to the very front, each player is equipped and supported to be at their very best, without equal, without fail.
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PP Arena Pilsen

PP Arena Pilsen
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Wherever, whenever, whoever they play; PPArena always bring it.
Total focus on self-improvement and enjoyment means they always achieve the holy grail of competitive sport. PPArena play their hearts out and have a damn good time doing it.
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Rønholt Dynamite

Rønholt Dynamite
Light the fuse, stand back and enjoy the fireworks!
Rønholt Dynamite attack every point with a clean yet explosive style that can leave teams wondering what on earth happened. Their hunger to win and love of the fight makes them a team you should not take lightly.
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The home for ex-pro players who just can't let go, this Planet Eclipse Factory Team plays with heart... once they've been to the bar.
It's easy to dismiss the SandBaggers as a team of has-beens, but this motley crew have still 'got it' and regularly find themselves winning events and series' across every format that paintball has to offer. From XBall upsets to woodland dominance, the SandBaggers are a great bunch of guys (and gals) who fight hard to take home the gold, but will always buy you a drink afterwards.
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San Antonio Xfactor

San Antonio Xfactor
Built on friendship. Prepared to fight. San Antonio XFactor have one very simple message. Come and take it!
San Antonio XFactor are one of the NXL Pro Division's most admired and feared teams. Their unique playing style combines aggression, unpredictability, control and focus allowing them to adapt to any game situation, at any time.
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San Francisco Sirens

San Francisco Sirens
This experienced group of grrls fought hard for their right to party in the WNXL Pro Division.
Flair, passion and heart will only take you so far in the WNXL... good job the Sirens have everything else they'd need in their locker to take down the baddies standing in their way.
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Team, family and a shared passion for the game.
Suricatos represent what is at the very heart of competitive paintball. Passion, hard work and desire to win... but beyond that, they see every point of every game as an opportunity to share something special with your squad. And win, of course.
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Tikis Ohana

Tikis Ohana
Driven, confident, positive and ready to go!
They may be newcomers to the WNXL Pro Division but Tikis Ohana bring way more than just hope and dreams to the league. With some great pickups to strengthen their already capable roster, we expect quite a few shocks for anyone who underestimates them.
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Toulouse, France
Paintball superiority in every aspect of the game.
TonTon have been blasting teams to pieces for over three decades and are still the number one team in Europe to this day. Aggression, strategy, adaptability, experience, talent, vision, passion, heart... you name it, TonTon excel at it. Their legacy is unmatched and are fast becoming one of the most feared teams in the World. Again. Vive La France!
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